What is Hypnobirthing?

The ‘hypno’ part of ‘hypnobirthing’ refers to the hypnotherapy that we use during the Positive Birth Program to release fears and condition ourselves to release endorphins at times during our birth. This means the birth of your baby can be a more calm and relaxed experience; one where you are in the driver’s seat, rather than feeling like a passenger. This self empowerment in the birth space is more likely to reduce the need for interventions during your birthing.

Hypnobirthing is a philosophy of birthing and natural techniques. When a mother and birth partner can approach their birth without fear but with knowledge, support, and resources for the birth – then birth can be a positive and empowering experience.

The aim is to help you prepare both body and mind leading up to birth – so by the time birth comes, you can go into ‘automatic’ mode with a mindset that is positive. This has a physiological effect on your body (reduced ‘fight or flight response’). Because you feel calm and safe, releasing a cocktail of wonderful hormones (endorphins and oxytocin) that reduce discomfort and help labour move along with ease!

Hypnobirthing gets your partner totally on board – they know what to do, and what to say, allowing you to release and let go.

The hypnobirthing programs give you a birth plan template, regarding your birth preferences - allowing for easy discussion with your birthing team, caregivers and birth partner prior to the birth. Ensuring everyone is in the loop, you can switch off your thinking brain during birth and get on with the most important job… bringing our baby into the world with joy.

Hypnobirthing uses a combination of different techniques









When is the best time to attend classes?

Anytime is possible! The main thing is that you have the opportunity to learn these techniques before you birth. Many couples who have attended class, even much later in pregnancy, have achieved excellent results!

The ideal time is between 20 and 30 weeks of pregnancy, giving you both time to practice the techniques leading up to birth. However, if you are later than that or things change - never fear! Determination is the deciding factor in hypnobirthing success. So feel free to contact me to discuss more intensive training options if needed.

How are classes structured?

The Positive Birth Program is 12hrs (3hrs per unit) / In person classes:

Makai Yoga Collective (Ocean Grove)

36 Hese Street (Queenscliff)

X2 6hr sessions (2 units per session) - one day, a week apart = 2 week course

x4 3hr Sessions (1 unit per session) - once a week = 4 week curse

Private sessions are always available, so please contact me.

If you cannot attend face-to-face classes I always have online options available for you!

The Hypnobirthing Australia techniques are down-to-earth, straightforward and easily learned. Classes are structured in a way so birth partner can attend with you and they often become hypnobirthing’s greatest advocates after attending classes! I ensure that classes are relevant, fun, interactive and informative.

Your partner’s love and support throughout pregnancy and birth, provide valuable reassurance and bonding in preparation for the birth of your baby and parenthood. Having said this, there are reasons why the birthing mother needs to attend the course solo or with another birth supporter – and this is also completely fine. You never really are alone, your birth partner is also your baby!

Each class is composed of:

Theory: Audio-visual, spoken explanations and interactive discussions

Practical: Active relaxation and breathing exercises, hands-on massage techniques and hypnosis practice components.

You Receive a Positive Birth Program Booklet with everything you need! Access to online resources: Videos, hypnosis tracks & educational material.

Follow this direct link to Hypnobirthing Australia website where you can find more information and access to online resources and courses to support you on your birth journey


It is our aim as Hypnobirthing Australia practitioners to help birth mothers achieve a positive birth experience by offering options for access to education and resources to suit any situation. You can access more class options and resources here:


The Hypnobirthing Australia™ program is a unique and comprehensive antenatal education program catering to Australian needs, that builds knowledge and uses techniques such as relaxation, self-hypnosis, breathing & movement for a safer, easier and gentle birth.